GHOSTS, zachomikowane 1

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{573}{674}DUCHY{797}{985}Witamy w|Normal Valley{1367}{1435}Jakie� inne miejsce.{1508}{1573}- Dlaczego nie zostawimy go w spokoju?|- Przecie� nikogo nie skrzywdzi�{1580}{1622}Nie mo�emy po prostu i��?{1604}{1651}To twoja wina, g�upku.|Nie potrafi�e� trzyma� j�zyka za z�bami.{1684}{1713}Zrobi� bardzo dobrze.{1730}{1821}To dziwak.|W tym mie�cie nia ma miejsca dla dziwak�w.{1930}{1984}To nie jest dobry znak.{2242}{2300}Tak jak ostatnio.|To duch.{2300}{2358}- Zamknij si�.|- Nie bij swojego brata.{2374}{2436}Duchy nie istniej�, kochanie.{2435}{2474}Udowodnie to, dzieciaku.{2489}{2513}Idziemy.{2520}{2600}Czy kto� do niego dzwoni�|i pyta� czy mo�emy wpa��?{2615}{2657}Mo�e powinni�my wr�ci� p�niej.{2652}{2699}Jak b�dzie widno.{3203}{3236}O kurcze...{4875}{4929}Co to by�o?{6263}{6299}Przestraszy�em was?{6346}{6397}- To on mamo...|- Cze��.{6418}{6487}- Przykro mi.|- Nie, nie przestraszy�e� mnie...{6496}{6552}Mo�e i przestraszy�e� ich,|ale nie mnie.{6555}{6590}Wielka szkoda,|nieprawda�?{6598}{6661}Chyba b�d� musia� si� bardziej|postara� nast�pnym razem.{6714}{6756}Nie b�dzie nast�pnego razu.{6757}{6804}- Naprad�?|- Naprawd�.{6829}{6863}Nie b�dzie, tak?{6890}{6914}A niby dlaczego?{6915}{6968}Chcemy �eby� wyn�s� si�|z miasta.{6981}{7019}Mamy mi�e, normalne miasteczko...{7027}{7064}normalnych ludzi...{7072}{7094}normalne dzieci...{7116}{7185}Nie potrzebujemy dziwak�w jak ty|opowiadaj�cych im o duchach.{7185}{7233}Wi�c nie wierzycie w duchy?{7233}{7269}- Ja wierz�.|- Ja te�.{7270}{7334}Ashab?|Widzisz co zrobi�e�?{7340}{7366}Nie jest ci wstyd?{7367}{7413}M�odzi ludzie s� �atwowierni.{7418}{7461}Poka� im te rzeczy,|kt�re nam pokazywa�e�.{7463}{7499}Zamknij si�.|To mia�a by� tajemnica.{7500}{7529}Nie bij brata.{7912}{7940}Jeste� dziwny...{7963}{7993}jeste� obcy...{8015}{8050}i ja ci� nie lubi�...{8097}{8127}Straszysz te dzieciaki...{8173}{8213}Mieszkasz tu samotnie.{8228}{8258}Nie jestem sam.{8290}{8349}Masz racj�.|Lubi� straszy� ludzi.{8363}{8399}Ale dla zabawy.{8412}{8519}Dzieci, czy podoba�o si� wam to...|co... ja... no wiecie...{8575}{8619}No to koniec zabawy.{8651}{8701}Wracaj do cyrku dziwaku.{8749}{8786}I oddaj sobie przys�ug�, dobrze?{8815}{8859}Nie zmuszaj nas �eby�my ci pomogli.{8875}{8949}Bo pomo�emy ci.|Je�li b�dziemy musieli.{9055}{9134}Pr�bujesz mnie przestraszy�?|Prawda?{9178}{9209}Powiem ci co�.{9212}{9240}Zagramy w gr�.{9240}{9291}Lubicie gry?|Lubicie?{9307}{9339}Czas na zabaw�.{9397}{9465}Pierwszy z nas, kto si� przestraszy - odejdzie.{9466}{9495}- Co ty na to?|- Ja sobie p�jd�.{9508}{9545}Nie b�d� gra� z dziwol�giem.{9578}{9612}Nie trzeba by� niegrzecznym.{9618}{9670}Tak zgadzam si�,|nie trzeba by� niegrzecznym...{9670}{9754}Masz bardzo �adny dom,|ale chyba si� zasiedzieli�my...{9754}{9810}wi�c mo�e sobie p�jdziemy?{9898}{9945}Odejdziesz sam?{9953}{9998}Czy b�d� musia� ci� skrzywdzi�?{10006}{10046}...nie skrzywdzimy go...{10065}{10101}...ja nikogo nie skrzydz�...{10149}{10197}Ty naprawd� pr�bujesz mnie przestraszy�.{10215}{10266}Chyba nie mam wyj�cia.{10285}{10332}B�d� musia� ci� przestraszy�.{10379}{10422}Patrz na to...{10580}{10603}Powiedz mi...{10615}{10655}...czy to jest straszne?{10706}{10748}O to chodzi�o?{10807}{10841}To jest �mieszne...{10880}{10911}To nie s� �arty.{10914}{10957}Dobrze...|A co powiesz o tym?{11196}{11218}Czy to ci� przestraszy�o?{11220}{11250}S�ysza�e� co m�wi�em?{11267}{11290}Dziwol�gu.{11321}{11350}Czas �eby� sobie poszed�...{11350}{11390}Czy to jest straszne?{12508}{12554}Wybieramy si� gdzie�?{12565}{12602}Co?{12640}{12663}Za p�no...{12680}{12711}Jeste�cie moimi go��mi.{12742}{12763}A przy okazji...{12797}{12797}Czy m�wi�em wam, �e nie jestem sam?{13030}{13059}Poznajcie rodzink�.{18511}{18563}tell me that you're doing wrong{18620}{18680}what a shock when all along{18741}{18800}cryin' would be like a man{18855}{18914}going back to hide your hand{18924}{18961}you ain't done enough for me{18971}{19003}you ain't done nuthin for me{19030}{19079}you are disgusting me{19084}{19135}yeah yeah{19153}{19189}you ain't been justing me{19209}{19249}you are disgusting me{19261}{19305}you just want a new cut from me{19320}{19365}but too bad, too bad{19485}{19549}look who just walked in the place{19610}{19657}then he slapped me in the face{19718}{19784}look who's standing in the peice{19838}{19894}try to bring me to my knees{19895}{19940}too bad too bad about it{19943}{20007}why don't you scream and shout it{20007}{20064}too bad too bad about it{20065}{20121}why don't you scream and shout it{20125}{20182}too bad too bad about it{20193}{20242}why don't you scream and shout it{20242}{20293}too bad too bad about it{20298}{20344}why don't you scream and shout it{20910}{20969}hell all up in Hollywood{21032}{21095}sayin' that she's done and good{21148}{21209}creepin' from a dusty hole{21261}{21323}tell her what somebody told{21315}{21372}too bad too bad about it{21389}{21427}why don't you scream and shout it{21430}{21486}too bad too bad about it{21485}{21540}why don't you scream and shout it{21547}{21598}too bad too bad about it{21610}{21661}why don't you scream and shout it{21664}{21715}too bad too bad about it{21722}{21760}why don't you scream and shout it{21779}{21836}too bad too bad about it{21853}{21888}why don't you scream and shout it{21899}{21947}too bad too bad about it{21960}{22000}why don't you scream and shout it{22012}{22063}too bad too bad about it{22074}{22123}why don't you scream and shout it{22133}{22177}too bad too bad about it{22191}{22240}why don't you scream and shout it{28278}{28334}Is that scary for you baby{28392}{28450}Am I scary for you oh{28511}{28573}Am I scary for you baby{28626}{28671}Am I scary for you{28720}{28801}So tell me is it scary for you baby{28856}{28904}Am I scary for you baby{28971}{29033}Am I scary for you baby{29085}{29145}Am I scary for you{29556}{29587}Am I scary for you{29598}{29639}I'm tired of being abused{29656}{29699}You know you're scaring me too{29710}{29759}I see the evil is you{29773}{29832}Is it scary for you baby oh{36724}{36768}Przestraszy�e� si� ju�?{38299}{38339}There's a ghost down in the hall{38354}{38395}There's a ghoul upon the bed{38415}{38447}There's something in the walls{38465}{38510}There's blood up on the stairs{38521}{38564}And it's floating through the room{38585}{38628}And there's nothing I can see{38643}{38686}And I know that that's the truth{38698}{38738}Because now it's onto me{38743}{38778}I don't understand it{38818}{38862}Hey{38864}{38901}I don't understand it!{38986}{39005}Aaow{39109}{39142}There's a ghostly smell around{39154}{39205}But nobody to be found{39220}{39268}And a coughin' and a yawnin'{39284}{39320}Where a restless soul is going{39321}{39359}I don't understand it{39397}{39423}Hey{39443}{39476}I don't understand it!{39802}{39893}And who gave you the right to scare my family?{39914}{40021}And who gave you the right to sshake my baby, she needs me{40031}{40118}And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?{40145}{40170}You put a knife in my back{40170}{40198}Shot an arrow in me!{40215}{40297}Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy{40394}{40484}Przesta�!!!{42239}{42280}Kto teraz jest przera�aj�cy?{42285}{42313}Kto jest dziwol�giem?{42339}{42353}Dziwol�gu?{42377}{42412}Dziwol�gu z Cyrku Dziwol�g�w.{42419}{42442}Kto jest straszny?{42680}{42716}Kto teraz jest dziwny?{44100}{44128}Wi�c.{44135}{44180}Nadal chcecie �ebym odszed�?{44203}{44251}Tak!|Tak!{44291}{44314}Dobrze.{44315}{44351}Odejd�.{47052}{47091}Dobre na koniec.{47123}{47150}Chod�my.{47251}{47268}Chod�my!{47550}{47584}Idziemy!{47695}{47726}Ola� dziwol�ga.{47771}{47804}Cze��!{48539}{48565}Przestraszy�em was?{48602}{48720}- ...tak, tak...|- ...oczywi�cie...{48797}{48843}...przez chwil� my�la�am,|�e ju� nie wytrzymam...{48854}{48919}A czy dobrze si� bawili�my?{49002}{49031}Wi�c?{49049}{49091}- ...tak...|- pewnie...{49435}{49480}Co?|Co?{49817}{49845}Przestraszy�em ci�?{49904}{49920}Nie...{49966}{50015}No mo�e...{50006}{50047}Co ty nato?|Mo�e...{50057}{50121}Tak!{50187}{50230}Przepraszam...{50280}{50306}Przepraszam...{50390}{50437}Czy to jest straszne?{50583}{50660}t�umaczenie: burial|{50667}{50779}re�yseria:|Stan Winston{51090}{51186}scenariusz:|Stan Winston & Mick Garris{51223}{51367}historia:|Stephen King, Stan Winston, Mick Garris & Michael Jackson{51402}{51499}na motywach pomys�u:|Stephena Kinga & Michaela Jacksona.{51525}{51566}There's a ghost down in the hall{51581}{51617}There's a ghoul upon the bed{51633}{51674}There's something in the walls{51695}{51742}There's blood up on the stairs{51755}{51803}And it's floating through the room{51816}{51857}And there's nothing I can see{51869}{51918}And I know that that's the truth{51930}{51965}Because now it's onto me{51972}{52008}I don't understand it{52047}{52077}Hey{52092}{52142}I don't understand it!{52216}{52230}Aaow{52455}{52489}There's a tappin' in the floor{52507}{52554}There's a creak behind the door{52565}{52611}There's a rocking in the chair{52621}{52669}But there's no-one sitting there{52681}{52725}There's a ghostly smell around{52740}{52786}But nobody to be found{52799}{52847}And a coughin' and a yawnin'{52858}{52887}Where a restless soul is going{52899}{52936}Don't understand it{52980}{52995}Hey!{53023}{53055}Don't understand it{53204}{53320}DUCHY{53385}{53479}And who gave you the right to shake my family?{53492}{53605}And who gave you the right to shake my baby, she needs me{53607}{53708}And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?{53721}{53749}You put a knife in my back{537... 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