Fritz Springmeir, Sarmatian(1)
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Deeper Insights into
the Illuminati
Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
Part 1
How the Control Comes about
by Fritz Springmeier
Part 2
How help comes about
by Cisco Wheeler
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In Jan. '96, I bound the first copies of The Illuminati Formula Used to Create
Undetectable Total Mind-Controlled Slave. Hundreds of people in the United States and
other countries were reading this book, and were expressing their appreciation and praise
for the work. Some also contributed more details about the Illuminati’s mind-control. It
was also gratifying that the illustrated Guidebook to Monarch Mind-control, which
contains my co-author’s art work done under programming, was translated and sold this
year (’96) as a paperback in Japan. The word is getting out, and people with ears to hear
are grateful. The original goal was to write the Vol. 2 book to be about 300 pages long,
but it spilled into 500 pages. At 500 pages, it was brought to a grinding halt. In this
DEEPER INSIGHTS book, I bring you more profounder mysteries of the Illuminati’s
mind-control abilities. These deeper insights were some items left out of the Vol. 2 due to
space, as well as some things that have been found out since the Vol.2 book was written.
Those who were intrigued by the Vol. 2, and cut their teeth on the subject of mind-control
via my writings over the past 5 years, will enjoy this further expose of the deeper secrets
of Illuminati mind-control. For instance, scattered in several sections including Chapter 3
is a great deal about the base programs which are laid in using controlled LSD trips in
sensory deprivation tanks. Another exciting set of new revelations are Cisco’s
information on the core, and her revelations giving the chronology of layering in the
mind-control programming. I have also done a great deal of research into Cranial
manipulation (see Chapter 8), which has been an extremely well-hidden mind-control
secret known only to a few select people worldwide. Another area of intense research has
been to expose the role Disney played in mind-control. Although other writers have
superficially touched on implants, nanobots, thought-transfer, soul entrapment and other
secret technologies, I decided to provide many details to expose these new technologies
that are being used in conjunction with the dissociative programmed multiplicity. Beside
learning countless programming secrets, the reader will take another quantum leap into
understanding what has been going on in this mixed-up world. If life is a riddle, then this
book contains many answers to the riddle of life. During the summer of 1996, I had the
privilege to speak on mind-control to audiences in 12 major American cities, as well talk
on over 50 radio stations. The response was encouraging. People are beginning to wake
up, and are hungry to learn the truth about how the movers and shakers of this world have
developed sophisticated methods to make children into undetectable Illuminati robots
(from the cradle to the satanic throne), as well as their extensive abilities to control the
common person’s thinking from the cradle to the grave. When Christ asked the question,
will I find faith when I return? it was a serious question. We no longer live in a situation
where we can depend upon our mind and our thoughts actually being our own. Our minds
are under a constant assault and manipulation by those who control things. No one is
exempt. Fortunately, there are still some rational thinking humans, who can challenge
and expose their plans for total control over the minds of the entire human race. I, as a
minister & researcher, along with the victims represented by Cisco Wheeler and others,
can’t expose this mind control on our own. We need the help of others. Will you help us
get the message out about the New World Order’s/the Illuminati’s mind control? Cisco
has consulted with me, and we decided to make two continuations. The
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continuation of the Illustrated guidebook would be authored by her, and the continuation
of the Vol. 2 book would be carried out by yours truly, Fritz Springmeier. We have
combined these two continuations into this book called for short DEEPER INSIGHTS
into the Illuminati Mind Control Formula. This volume is meant to be an extension of the
previous volumes. IF YOU HAVE NOT READ the previous book entitled Vol. 2 The
Illuminati Formula used to create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, THEN
you are not really prepared to understand this material. In my previous books, I have
shown how the intelligence agencies are simply prostitutes and fronts of the Illuminati.
The Illuminati always "sterilize" their activities, so their actions can’t be identified in the
flurry of secret intelligence activities. Recently, at one conference on mind-control,
victims of government mind-control were told that their stories were not welcome
because the conference was on "cult" mind-control. Dear reader, the intelligence agencies
are cults, and not only that, but they have a dark satanic side to them, which not only
brands them as cults, but "occult cults." Witchcraft and Freemasonry refer to themselves
as "the Craft"; how appropriate it was for Allen Dulles, DCI-head of the CIA, to entitle
his book "The Craft of Intelligence". How appropriate it was that people within the CIA
referred to their top management as the Knights Templars. As the Vol. 2 Formula book
indicated, the intelligence agencies which work for the Illuminati have kept only the
minimum of records, and the records they do keep are out of reach of people like you and
I. But that doesn’t mean that the researcher like myself can’t work backwards. One of the
side effects of the traumas that create multiple-personalities (DID) is that sadistic or
criminal alters are often formed, and with careful research the historical record of
criminals with multiple personalities can be traced back into history. The Illuminati have
created trained-multiples for centuries, but insiders say that programmed DID (MPD) was
developed in the Nazi concentration camps. The worldwide Illuminati planned the camps
with the goal to determine what programs would work on children, and used the cover
story of Nazi racial hatred to hide the real purpose of the camps--mind-control
experiments which used large numbers of children traumatized by their separation from
their parents.
With today’s sophisticated programming and structuring of MPD worlds, these evil alters
can be controlled better than in the past, and yet we still have serial killers like Wayne
Cox, and serial rapists like William Stanley Milligan, who were programmed multiples
stalking our streets. Kenneth Biani, the LA Hillside strangler who killed 9 people was
diagnosed as a multiple, but claimed he had faked the disorder. Thomas W. Piper in
Boston in the 1870s, and Paul Miskamen, one hundred years later in California, are
examples of multiples who had an alter capable of murder and another alter who was a
good Christian. One of the best disinformation campaigns of the Illuminati, is to make
people think programmed-multiples are just for espionage, prostitution and assassination.
They have taken over our pulpits, like the Illuminati programmed multiple Jimmy
Swaggart, and they have taken over our political offices, like Al Gore, and our
universities. Even with the elite’s secrecy intact via their control of libraries, publishing
houses, and newspapers, the record still shows the traces of the Illuminati’s history of
creating controlled multiple personalities. The historical record of criminals with multiple
personalities includes the Illuminati coke multimillionaire Harry K. Thaw. He was one of
the elite of society, who had charming sophisticated front alters, and sadistic deeper
alters. His position prevented him from being convicted of a murder he committed in
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on June 25, 1906. However, another multiple Henry Spencer, who didn’t have such clout
was hanged after killing Allison Rexroat in 1914. Another multiple William Heirens, who
murdered two women in the ’40’s, had one of his front alters write in the mirror after a
murder, "For heaven’s sake, catch me before I kill more, I cannot control myself." He had
an alter George who was doing the murders. The story doesn’t stop with evidence of
physical murders, but includes the vast numbers of spiritual deaths that have resulted
from the spiritual manipulation of the masses via programmed multiples. Programmed
multiples have been great for carrying out religious deceptions. Many of the great spiritist
mediums were multiples. In the 1920’s, Patience Worth was a famous name of an author.
Patience was an alter of Mrs. John Curran. As a child Mrs. Curran had played the piano
in her uncle’s Missouri Ozark church when young and then she later grew up to be a
famous medium and writer. A Dr. Charles E. Cory investigated her multiple-personality
disorder. He discovered that her author alter was much more intelligent than the front
alter who did the housekeeping & normally held the body. The occult world has
manipulated MPD to manufacture validation for their theories of reincarnation, spiritism
etc. Where once the Word of God was accepted as truth by society as a whole, now
society questions whether there is such a thing as truth. When it has come to finding out
about mind control from the first level of perpetrators, the government, there have been a
number of manufactured (bogus), sanitized and original CIA documents released to the
public under the nearly worthless Freedom of Information act. The Freedom of
Information Act has been manipulated to lead people to think that the public has access to
A letter of inquiry in 1995 requesting declassified documents on Mind Control, Monarch,
MK Ultra, Artichoke and Blue Bird got the following response from the CIA, " you
might expect, we have already conducted broad-ranging and exhaustive searches and
reviews on every conceivable aspect of human behavior, including mind control and
brainwashing, and have located and released 11, 336 pages of material on the general
subject of human behavior studies under MKULTRA. Most of the 11,336 pages of this
previously released material are very limited in scope and consist primarily of financial
records." (quote from a CIA letter of response in answer to a request for declassified
mind-control information.) Yes, and long-story-short even those 11,336 pages only got
released due to a mistake.
In one CIA document pertaining to mind control released under the Freedom of
Information act, which is a memorandum dated 20 Oct. 1975 to the Director of Central
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