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//-->GLOSSARY OF HUMAN RESOURCES TERMSWelcome to the SHRM Glossary of HR Terms, developed by the SHRM KnowledgeCenter. These are commonly used terms and definitions that are significant to theprofession of human resource management. The glossary is continuously updated toinclude new human resource management terms as they emerge.This glossary is not an all-inclusive listing of HR and general business terminology, but itincludes terms in daily use by HR professionals. An alternative desk reference is “TheHuman Resources Glossary, 3rd Edition”,by William R. Tracey, Ed.D., available forpurchase at the SHRM Store, terminology often seems inscrutable, even though the legal terms bandied about bylawyers frequently have very straightforward meanings. SHRM's Workplace LawLegalEaseprovides plain English definitions of common legal terminology for HRprofessionals to put relevant legal developments into sharp focus for your HR practice.We invite you to submit any term(s) that should be added to the glossary along with aworking definition toNaomi Cossack,Manager of Online Content, for placementconsideration.A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|Y|ZAAbility testAn assessment instrument used to measure anindividual’s abilities, mental or physical skills level (i.e.problem solving, manual dexterity, etc.).Aptitude or competence, the skill or proficiency neededto perform certain tasks.Referred to as the habitual failure of employees toreport for work when they are scheduled to work.A rating method where the rater assigns a specific valueon a fixed scale to the behavior or performance of anindividual instead of assigning ratings based oncomparisons between other individuals.The process of perceiving issues and reachingAbilityAbsenteeismAbsolute ratingsAbstract reasoningconclusions through the use of symbols orgeneralizations rather than concrete factual information.AcademicAn educator who is a faculty member at a college oruniversity. Also referred to as Academician.The extent to which a contractor's or employer's facilityis readily approachable and does not inhibit the mobilityof individuals with disabilities, particularly such areasas the personnel office, worksite and public areas.Materials that are designed in alternate formats such asBraille, audiotape, oral presentation or electronically forindividuals with visual impairments.The responsibility placed on an individual or group fortheir own or others’ actions, conduct, performance,projects, etc.A process of external quality review and certification bya recognized body that evaluates individuals, colleges,universities and educational programs to assure they areperforming the functions that they claim to beperforming in a competent manner.A standardized testing instrument used to measure howmuch an individual has learned or what skills he or shehas attained as a result of education, training or pastexperience.Caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)which kills or damages cells of the body's immunesystem by progressively destroying the body's ability tofight infections and certain cancers. People diagnosedwith AIDS may get life-threatening diseases calledopportunistic infections, which are caused by microbessuch as viruses or bacteria that usually do not makehealthy people sick.The process of acquiring control of another corporationby purchase or stock exchange.AccessibilityAccessible formatAccountabilityAccreditationAchievement testAcquired immune deficiencysyndrome (AIDS)AcquisitionAction learningA learner-driven, continuous learning process wherelearning revolves around the need to find solutions toreal problems.The process of learning new knowledge, skills andbehaviors through taking specific actions or performingspecific tasks.Active learningActivities of daily living (ADL)The personal care activities which are essential to anindividual’s everyday living, including eating, bathing,grooming, dressing, mobility and toileting.Adjunct programA supplemental training tool that applies programmingprinciples to existing instructional modules, materials,texts, manuals, etc., that are designed to direct thelearner to specific areas within the module.Individuals who are beyond postsecondary educationage, are employed on a full- or part-time basis and areenrolled in a formal or informal educational program.Any act by an employer that results in an individual orgroup of individuals being deprived of equalemployment opportunities.A substantially different rate of selection in hiring,promotion or other employment decision that works tothe disadvantage of a race, sex or ethnic group.An employer’s selection practices or policies that resultin discriminatory or unfavorable treatment toward anindividual orindividuals who are members of a protected group.Advisory committeeA group or panel of internal or external members withno decision- making authority, assembled to identifyand discuss specific issues and make recommendations.Groups of employees, former employees or applicantswho have experienced and/or continue to experience theloss of employment opportunities or benefits due toAdult learnerAdverse actionAdverse impactAdverse selectionAffected classdiscriminatory practices or policies of the employer.Affirmative action (AA)Any program, policy or procedure that an employerimplements in order to correct past discrimination andprevent current and future discrimination within theworkplace.The clauses set forth in 41 C.F.R. §§ 60-250.4 and 60-741.4 that must be included in federal contracts andsubcontracts of $10,000 and over. These two clausesoutline the affirmative action requirements for specialdisabled veterans, Vietnam-era veterans (41 C.F.R. §60-250.4) and individuals with disabilities (41 C.F.R. §60-741.4). These clauses are a part of covered contractsregardless of whether they are physically incorporatedinto the contract and whether the contract is written.Affirmative action clausesAffirmative Action plan (AAP)A written set of specific, results-oriented procedures tobe followed by all federal contractors holding contractsof $50,000 or more and employing 50 or more peopleand intended to remedy the effects of pastdiscrimination against or underutilization of women andminorities. The effectiveness of the plan is measured bythe results it actually achieves rather than by the resultsintended and by the good faith efforts undertaken by thecontractor to increase the pool of qualified women andminorities in all parts of the organization.After-acquired evidenceUsed in litigation of employment discriminationdisputes, after-acquired evidence is evidence that theemployer discovers after it has already discharged anemployee which proves that even if the discharge inquestion is found to be illegal, the employer would havedismissed the employee anyway in light of discoveringthe misconduct.The ADEA protects workers age 40 and over byprohibiting discrimination against workers 40 and overin any employment or employment-related decision.The Act applies to most employers with 20 or moreemployees. One of the main provisions of the Act is thatemployers, with very few exceptions, can no longerforce an employee to retire.Age Discrimination inEmployment Act (ADEA) of1967Americans with Disabilities ActThe ADA is a federal anti-discrimination law whichprohibits private employers, state and local(ADA) of 1990governments, employment agencies and labor unionsfrom discriminating against qualified individuals withdisabilities in job application procedures, hiring, firing,advancement, compensation, job training and otherterms, conditions and privileges of employment. Thislaw (covering employers with 15 or more employees) isdesigned to remove barriers that prevent qualifiedindividuals with disabilities from enjoying the sameemployment opportunities that are available to personswithout disabilities. When an individual's disabilitycreates a barrier to employment opportunities, the ADArequires employers to consider whether a reasonableaccommodation could remove the barrier.Alternation rankingA rating method used in job evaluation and performanceevaluation whereby the rater is asked to select the bestand worst employees from a listing of all employees andthen rank them accordingly.Nontraditional procedures and techniques used withinthe framework of instructional programs to evaluate astudent’s educational achievement.A voluntary procedure used to resolve disputes orconflicts between individuals, groups or labor-management. This procedure utilizes the services of aneutral third party to facilitate discussion and assist theparties in reaching an agreement which is binding.Any location other than the employer’s physicalworksite where employees are allowed to perform theirjobs.A statistical method used to determine whether arelationship exists among two or more variables byformulating concurrent comparisons of the variables.The ability to analyze facts, generate a comparison anddraw correct inferences or conclusions from availableinformation.Alternative assessmentAlternative dispute resolution(ADR)Alternative worksiteAnalysis of varianceAnalytical thinking [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]


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