GT1 DIS BMW Instrukcja oryginał, bmwISPI NEXT 3.47.10 + ISTAP 54.3, DIS
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Table of Contents
BMW Diagnosis
Initial Print Date: 2/06
Revision Date:
BMW Diagnosis
Model: All
Production: All
After completion of this module you will be able to:
• Start a diagnostic session with the DISplus or GT1.
• Understand how to use the embedded measuring system
used in the test plans.
• Look up wiring schematics.
• Correctly print out a wiring schematic from the diagnostic program.
BMW Diagnosis
BMW Diagnosis
The main purpose of the Diagnosis program is to aid the technician in diagnosing
the vehicle’s electrical system. The program allows the diagnosis of complaints via:
• Fault driven test plans
• Fault Symptom driven test plans
• Manual override of test plans (Control Unit Function)
The program also incorporates electronic wiring diagrams for the vehicle and an
automatic interface with measuring systems during test plans.
Diagnostic Head Connection
To start diagnosing the vehicle, a connection to a diagnostic head is needed. This
connection can be performed via connection setup from either the DIS administration
screen or while in the diagnosis program.
From the DIS main start up screen,
Select “Administration”.
Select “Connection setup”.
BMW Diagnosis
While in the diagnosis program,
Select “Setting up the Connection”
under “Services”.
Select the free diagnostic
head desired (1). and
press “Connecting” (2).
The diagnostic head is
communicating with the
diagnostic machine.
BMW Diagnosis
Staring Diagnosis
Select the Diagnosis program and choose the appropriate vehicle designation. The
tester now accesses the information installed so that the vehicle can be identified.
Select “Diagnosis”.
Choose the proper vehicle
BMW Diagnosis
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